Digital Account

More convenient! Now you can instantly open KB PRASAC account via KB PRASAC Mobile app by just having a phone number and national ID card, without having to visit a physical branch.

Open Digital Account and use KB PRASAC Mobile app to do the following transactions easily:

  • Fund transfer within KB PRASAC Account
  • Interbank transfer via Bakong
  • Fund transfer to Bakong Wallet
  • Open Term Deposit Account
  • Scan KHQR Code to settle bills of products and services with KB PRASAC’s merchants or other banks’ merchants
  • Water Supply bill payment
  • Electricity bill payment
  • Solid Waste bill payment
  • Education bill payment
  • Phone Top-Up
  • Fund transfer to non-account (Cash-Code)
  • View exchange rate
  • Find the nearest KB PRASAC branch, ATM or CDM
  • Self PIN Reset (In case of forgetting old PIN)
  • Other services

Requirement for opening Digital Account

  • Cambodian nationality up from the age of 16 years
  • A new customer to KB PRASAC
  • Original and valid Cambodian National ID Card
  • Personal phone number
  • For individual account only
  • Open account via KB PRASAC Mobile

Interest Rate

Maximum balance in accountInterest RateMaximum balance in accountInterest Rate
≤2,000,0001.50%≤ 5001.50%
> 2,000,000 – ≤4,000,0002.50%> 500 – ≤ 1,0002.50%
> 4,000,000 – ≤12,000,0003.00%> 1,000 – ≤ 3,000​3.00%
> 12,000,000 – ≤40,000,0003.50%> 3,000 – ≤ 10,0003.50%
> 40,000,0004.00%> 10,0004.00%
* Interest rate per annum

Number of Account and CurrencyGet 2 accounts automatically: KHR Account and USD Account
Initial & Minimum balanceNot required
Withholding Tax4% (Resident)
Interest PaymentInterest is accrued daily and credited to your account automatically at the beginning of each month or at the time of closing the account.
Maximum balance in account#list#
– KHR Account: KHR 40,000,000 and
– USD Account: USD 10,000
Maximum amount per transaction or per day#list#
– KHR Account: KHR 12,000,000 and
– USD Account: USD 3,000
– At any KB PRASC branch, counter or via KB PRASAC Mobile app or POS or CDM
– Receive funds transferred from other banks
Cash withdrawal or Transfer#list#
– Can perform all transactions allowed in KB PRASAC Mobile app
Open Term Deposit Account#list#
– KHR Account: KHR 12,000,000 and
– USD Account: USD 3,000

* Customer can request to upgrade the usage amount of Digital Account by visiting any KB PRASAC branches to update to a Full KYC Client.


  • Interest rate and fee above are subject to change by notifying customers in accordance with the requirements of the law.
  • Other terms and conditions apply.

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