Education Loan

The Education Loan provides financial support to parents or students seeking funds for pursuing a bachelor’s degree. This loan enables you to attain higher education, paving the way for you to achieve your dream profession.

Product Features

  • Loan amount: Up to USD 2,500
  • Interest rate: Reasonable rate
  • Loan term: Up to 12 months
  • Repayment mode: Flexibility according to cash flow

Interest Computation

  • Declining method is used


  • Be a majority aged 18 or above 
  • Permanent resident
  • Completed high school or studying at university
  • Have high commitment in pursuing education
  • Have a good record and be reliable
  • Originate from poor family who cannot afford to pay full school fee at once

Required Documents

  • ID card, passport, family book, residential book, birth certificate
  • Transcript certificate or High School Diploma (BacII)
  • Other documents on incomes and expenses of family


  • KB PRASAC reserves the right to change terms and conditions with prior notice to the client as required by law.
  • Other terms and conditions apply.

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