With a smart phone, you can manage your cash easily and conveniently at anytime and anywhere by installing KB PRASAC Mobile on your mobile phone. This App will assist you to make any banking transaction as below:

  • Open Digital Account
  • Self-register KB PRASAC Mobile
  • Fund transfer to your business partners or relatives up to USD 100,000 per day
  • Fund transfers to other banks via Bakong system
  • Fund transfer to Bakong Wallet
  • International fund transfer via SWIFT
  • Withdrawal via ATM QR Code
  • Deposit via ATM QR Code
  • Scan KHQR code and make interbank payment with KB PRASAC’s Merchants or other banks’ merchants
  • Cross-border QR payment in Thailand
  • Water bill payment of PPWSA in Phnom Penh and Tbong Khmum and SRWSA
  • Electricity bill payment of EDC
  • Waste collection payment
  • Education bill payment
  • Phone top-up
  • Fund transfer to non-account with amount of USD 2,500 per day
  • Link Your Account by yourself
  • Open Term Deposit Account and view its details
  • Change rollover option for Term Deposit Account
  • check balance & transaction details
  • View loan information
  • View foreign exchange rate
  • find the nearest KB PRASAC branch, ATM or CDM,
  • manage ATM card
  • fingerprint or Face ID login
  • receive instant push notifications each time transaction is made
  • Self PIN Reset

Daily Transaction and Service Tariff

Transaction TypesLimit Size per DayLimit Size per TransactionService Tariff
Fund Transfer between KB PRASAC AccountsUSD 100,000 or KHR 400 millionUSD 100,000 or KHR 400 millionFree of charge
Fund Transfer to Other Banks via Bakong systemKHR 200 million 
and USD 50,000
< KHR 200 million or
< USD 50,000
Free of charge
Transfer to Bakong WalletKHR 40 million and USD 10,000KHR 10 million or USD 2,500Free of charge
Cash-CodeUSD 2,500 or equivalent to KHR#list#
– USD 500 or
– KHR 2 million
Free of charge
Scan KB PRASAC KHQR CodeUSD 100,000 or equivalent to KHRUSD 100,000 or equivalent to KHRFree of charge
Scan KHQR Code of Other BanksUSD 10,000 or KHR 40 millionUSD 2,500 or KHR 10 millionFree of charge
Cross-border QR Payment
KHR 10 million
KHR 10 millionFree of charge
International Fund Transfer via SWIFTUSD 100,000 or KHR 400 millionUSD 100,000 or KHR 400 millionFee
Withdrawal via ATM QR CodeUSD 3,000 or KHR 12 millionUSD 3,000 or KHR 2 millionFree of charge
Deposit via ATM QR CodeUnlimitedUSD 10,000 or KHR 20 millionFree of charge
Open Term Deposit AccountUnlimited#colspan#Free of charge
PPWSA BillUnlimited#colspan#Free of charge
EDC BillUnlimited#colspan#Free of charge
Enterprise For Managing Municipal Solid Wastes in Phnom PenhUnlimited#colspan#USD 0.12 per transaction
Types of private company bills that can be paid (Bill24)Unlimited#colspan##list#
– USD 0.12 per transaction
– Lim Mov Co.,Ltd(Free of charge)
Oddar Meanchey Solid Waste Management of Viphou Phopudh UtilityUnlimited#colspan#Free of charge
Education BillUnlimited#colspan#Free of charge
Phone Top-upUnlimited#colspan#Free of charge
Check Balance & StatementUnlimited#colspan#Free of charge
View Daily Foreign ExchangeUnlimited#colspan#Free of charge
Monthly Fee#colspan##colspan#Free of charge

Limit Number of Transaction per Day

TransactionsNumber of Transaction per Day
Fund Transfer between KB PRASAC Accounts100
Fund Transfer to Other Banks via Bakong system100
Transfer to Bakong Wallet100
Scan KHQR Code of Other Banks100
Cross-border QR Payment100
SWIFT International Fund Transfer via SWIFT100
Withdrawal via ATM QR Code100
Deposit via ATM QR CodeUnlimited
Open Term Deposit AccountUnlimited
Bill PaymentUnlimited
Phone Top-upUnlimited


You can use KB PRASAC Mobile with Khmer Riel and United States Dollar. If you make a payment in different currency, system will be automatically converted it according to KB PRASAC’s daily exchange rate.


  • KB PRASAC reserves rights to change interest rate and fee with prior notice to the client as required by law.
  • Other terms and conditions apply.

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