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KB PRASAC Bank Plc. Receives “GOLD” Tax Compliance Certificate

KB PRASAC Bank Plc. Receives “GOLD” Tax Compliance Certificate

Phnom Penh, 26 June 2024 – KB PRASAC Bank has been awarded the prestigious “GOLD” Certificate of Tax Compliance by the General Department of Taxation (GDT) for the period of 2024 to 2025. This recognition is a result of the bank’s unwavering commitment to full tax compliance, transparency, and prompt tax payments.

An officer of KB PRASAC Bank expressed his pride and gratitude, stating, “Receiving the GOLD Certificate of Tax Compliance is a significant achievement for KB PRASAC Bank. It reflects our diligent efforts to adhere to the tax compliance guidelines set by the Royal Government of Cambodia. This award is a testament to the dedication and integrity of our entire team in ensuring transparency and fulfilling our tax obligations to support Cambodia’s continuous development.”

He further added, “On behalf of the management of KB PRASAC Bank, we extend our heartfelt thanks to the General Department of Taxation (GDT) for this esteemed recognition. We remain committed to maintaining the highest standards of tax compliance and contributing positively to the nation’s growth.”

This accolade underscores KB PRASAC Bank’s dedication to ethical business practices and its role as a responsible corporate citizen in Cambodia. For info about KB PRASAC Bank, please visit us at

KB Supports Surgery for Children with Heart Disease in Cambodia for 10 Years

Phnom Penh, 13th June 2024: KB Kookmin Bank (President & CEO Mr. Lee Jae Keun) announced on 12th June 2024 that it held a scholarship award ceremony for children with heart disease in Cambodia.

KB Kookmin Bank, the parent company of KB PRASAC Bank, has been supporting heart surgery for children with heart disease in Cambodia since 2014, starting from the opening of the Heart Centre at Hebron Medical Center in Cambodia. To date, more than 250 children have received heart surgeries and made their dreams and hopes come true. This year, the bank supports 25 children with heart disease.

The scholarship ceremony was attended by KB PRASAC Bank President & CEO, Mr. OUM Sam Oeun, KB PRASAC Bank Deputy CEO, Mr. Kim Hyeun Jong, Country Director of Hebron Medical Country (HMC), Mr. KIM Woo Jung, Hospital Director of HMC, Mr. BAE Kian, Hospital Operating Director of HMC, Mr. KIM Yong KI, to present scholarships to children with heart disease and encourage them to grow for their bright future.

Since 2012, KB has also been conducting a social contribution project by inviting Cambodian children with heart disease to Korea for free surgery. Until now, more than 100 children with heart disease have undergone surgery in Korea and returned home healthy.

“We are providing scholarships so that children with heart disease can get a new life through surgery and fulfil their dreams,” said a KB official. “We will continue to generously support children, who are the future leaders, so that they can grow up properly.”

In addition, the bank has also been supporting surgery and treatment for children suffering from facial deformities in Korea, providing them with new hope.

About KB Kookmin Bank

KB Kookmin Bank is a Korea’s leading bank with the largest customer base and branch network in the nation. The bank is also leading the digital finance era, providing differentiated financial products and services engineered by its innovative financial know-how.

KB Kookmin Bank is a member of the largest financial group in South Korea. The group was founded in 2008 for giving a better customer service, growth and value in a rapidly changing world. Learn more at

About KB PRASAC Bank Plc.

KB PRASAC Bank Plc. is a newly formed commercial bank aims to deliver comprehensive and innovative banking services in Cambodia, promoting financial inclusion, economic growth, and providing state-of-the-art digital banking solutions to meet market demands. Learn more at

About Hebron Medical Center (HMC)

Hebron Medical Center is a non-profit charity organization dedicated to providing medical assistance to underprivileged Cambodian citizens. The center provides more than 60,000 outpatient treatments and thousands of operations, including open-heart surgeries annually. You can access Hebron at #102, St.68K, Phum Prey Sala, Sangkat Kakab2, Khan Porsenchey, Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Learn more at

NBC and KB PRASAC Bank’s Shareholder Sign MoU for Cross-Border QR Code Payment between Cambodia and Korea

Phnom Penh, May 17, 2024 – KB PRASAC Bank Plc., one of subsidiaries of KB Kookmin Bank, has​ announced that the bank together with its shareholder, KB Kookmin Bank, have officially signed MoU for cross-border QR code payment between Cambodia and South Korea which is initiated and led by the​ National Bank of Cambodia (NBC). The signing ceremony was held during the Business Forum in South Korea on 16th May with the arrangement of the Cambodia Chamber of Commerce and Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

The signed memorandum of understanding (MoU) is to promote cross-border QR code payment​ transactions, remittances, payments in the national currency between Cambodia and South Korea towards building trust, security, efficiency, stability and more environmentally beneficial for the people and businessmen of both countries, especially to promote access to financial services of Cambodian migrant workers.

This innovative service will allow KB PRASAC Mobile users to seamlessly scan and pay with QR of KB Kookmin Bank throughout Korea. Only Khmer Riel account will be applicable for this service via KB PRASAC Mobile app. All customers can now open a Digital Account by just downloading KB PRASAC Mobile app and self-onboarding for scan and pay in Korea in the future.

This digital means of payment will eliminate the physical cash usage, the bother of currency exchange, and ensuring a cost-effective and user-friendly experience for KB PRASAC Mobile users and KB Kookmin Bank’s customers.

An officer of KB Kookmin Bank stated that the MoU between NBC and Kookmin Bank is a new and strategic milestone to allow its subsidiary, KB PRASAC Bank Plc., to offer another alternative of payment instruments to customers with a convenient and secure way to make cashless payments in Korea including the affordable remittances for Cambodia migrant workers. At the same time, customers of KB Kookmin Bank will be able to immediately scan and pay via KB PRASAC KHQR in Cambodia, too.

He added that the innovative payment and remittance solutions will be a safe, convenience and formal channels for cross-border QR code payment and remittances that benefits to not only citizens of both countries but also support the development of economic and financial relations. KB PRASAC Bank, a Cambodian subsidiary of KB Kookmin Bank, will play a key role in establishing and operating a payment system, including as a settlement bank for settlement funds.

The bank’s officer would like to express the sincerely thank the NBC for this initiative and giving the great opportunity for Kookmin Bank and KB PRASAC Bank to join the universal quick response (QR) code system for offering customers a seamless cross-border payment experience.

Please be noted that KB Kookmin Bank and KB PRASAC Bank have been supporting the surgery expenses to more than 100 children who have heart disease at Hebron Medical Center in Phnom Penh since 2014. Furthermore, KB PRASAC Bank has joint the sponsorships in various social activities such as donation to Cambodian Red Cross, Smile Cambodia, and building reading culture of Cambodian students through its library projects.

KB PRASAC Bank Donates 100 Million Riel to Cambodian Red Cross on World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day

Phnom Penh: KB PRASAC Bank, one of the top five commercial banks in Cambodia, has extended a heartfelt gesture by donating 100 million Riel to the Cambodian Red Cross (CRC) in commemoration of the 161st Anniversary of World Red Cross and Red Crescent Day on May 8th, 2024. The event was celebrated with the theme “Together with Cambodian Red Cross for Healthy and Climate-Resilient Communities.

Mr. OUM Sam Oeun, KB PRASAC Bank CEO, said, “We are deeply honored to contribute to the vital humanitarian work of the Cambodian Red Cross. This donation symbolizes our unwavering commitment to supporting our communities.”

KB PRASAC Bank has consistently embraced social responsibility initiatives to enrich the communities. The bank actively participates in various endeavors, including combating the Covid-19 pandemic, constructing library and school building, awarding outstanding talented students, sponsoring National Reading Day, sponsoring NBC’s Financial Literacy Awareness, ‘I love Riel’ Campaign, and providing emergency relief to its clients as well.

​​​This substantial contribution underscores KB PRASAC Bank’s commitment to supporting the humanitarian efforts of the Cambodian Red Cross. The bank hopes that this donation will empower the CRC to expand its relief programs to reach more vulnerable individuals in need.

A Beautiful School Building Handed Over to Ou Teuk Thla Primary School in Kampong Thom Province

Kampong Thom Province: A new 5-room school building was officially handed over to Ou Teuk Thla Primary School in Teuk Thla village, Kraya commune, Santuk district, Kampong Thom province on Monday morning, April 22, 2024 in the objective of enhancing education sector.

The ceremony was presided over by H.E. Sum Sannisith, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia —high representative of Lok Chumteav Dr. Chea Serey, Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia—, Mr. Long Kiseng, Governor of Santuk District, and Mr. Oum Sam Oeun, Chief Executive Officer of KB PRASAC Bank Plc. The event was also attended by local authorities, teachers, students and people in the community.

Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Oum Sam Oeun said that the great wealth of the nation is human resources. In line with its social mission, KB PRASAC Bank has been actively involved in the promotion of the education sector. To date, KB PRASAC has provided 45 library buildings to high schools, secondary schools and primary schools in various provinces throughout the country, equipped with facilities, books and documents, as well as providing librarian training in accordance with the library standards of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport.

For the case of Ou Tuek Thla Primary School, the Bank has built a fully-furnished 5-room school building, aiming at providing classrooms with better teaching and learning environment for students and teachers. KB PRASAC Bank is immensely proud to be a part of the National Bank of Cambodia’s initiative to materialize this school building project in the remote and vulnerable Ou Teuk Thla community. He also urged students, teachers and the entire community to take care of the achievement to be able to use for many generations to come and encourage all their children to go to school.

H.E. Sum Sannisith, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia, said that the National Bank of Cambodia is very proud to have initiated the construction of this school building, seeing the plight of the students at this school who do not have a proper school building. On behalf of the parents and guardians of the students, NBC would like to express our sincere thanks to KB PRASAC Bank for fully funding the construction of this 5-room school building. This beautiful and robust school building will motivate students to study hard and come to school regularly on time, without worrying about weather condition. At the same time, he also requested the parents and guardians to send their children to school both male or female, emphasizing the importance of education for improving living standard of the family. He added that sending children to school is like saving and accumulating wealth and is an investment for your children’s future to become a good resource in society development. He also emphasized in providing higher education to daughters because both men and women have the same capacity if they work hard and keep trying.

About KB PRASAC Bank

KB PRASAC Bank Plc. is a big new commercial bank in Cambodia formed through the successful merger between Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc. and KB PRASAC Microfinance Institution Plc. KB PRASAC Bank Plc. aims to be the bank for all segments of society, from micro-businesses in rural areas to international enterprises. We are committed to providing comprehensive financial services that cater to every generation and become your lifetime financial partner.

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Khmer New Year Blessing Ceremony

KB PRASAC Bank Plc. held blessing ceremonies at Head Office and all branches in all provinces, cities and capital to receive blessings from monks and celebrate the upcoming Khmer New Year, the year of Dragon.

May the devada (angel) of the New Year bless you and your family with prosperity and success together forever.

Official Grand Opening of a New Commercial Bank “KB PRASAC Bank Plc.”

Phnom Penh – KB PRASAC Bank Plc., a new commercial bank formed through the culmination of a strategic merger between Kookmin Bank Cambodia and PRASAC Microfinance Institution, was officially launched on 23rd February 2024, and graced by Lok Chumteav Dr. Chea Serey, Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia, a testimony of the pledge of the bank to be the trusted lifetime financial partner for all customers.

In her excellency’s speech, Lok Chumteav Dr. Chea Serey, Governor of the National Bank of Cambodia, congratulated the success of the merger of both financial institutions to be a new and big commercial bank by highlighting the importance of the merger of business which will strengthen the institution’s stability and resilience by increasing assets and deposits, enabling access to more convenient and diverse financial sources, reducing expenses, expanding the market, and diversifying products and services for customers, particularly SMEs, thus further improving Cambodia’s financial inclusion.

Lok Chumteav Dr. Chea Serey would also like to encourage KB PRASAC Bank Plc. to 1). Continue to contribute to the support and development of the communities, as well as continue to promote financial inclusion, in particular, the innovation of financial services for SMEs. 2). Continue to pay attention to customer protection and transparency in the provision of financial services, as well as the promotion of financial literacy in society 3). Provide loans to customers with affordable rates, and 4). Promote access to women’s financing and green loans in line with customer needs.

In his address, Mr. Yang Jong Hee, Chairman & CEO of KB Financial Group Inc., emphasized the importance of the relationship between Republic of Korea and Kingdom of Cambodia that have strengthened their foundation of ‘Economic Partnership’ with the implementation of the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) in 2022, the increase of the investment, creating job opportunities for Cambodian youths, and human resources development through the acceptance of Cambodian students to work and study in Korea.”

“In line with the Group’s market expansion strategy and seeing the potential of Cambodia’s rapid economic growth, KB Financial Group has penetrated Cambodian market by establishing Kookmin Bank Cambodia in 2009 and KB Daehan Specialized Bank Plc. (KDSB) in 2018; and in 2021, we welcomed PRASAC Microfinance Institution into the KB Financial Group family,” he added. “Following these steps, in August 2023, Kookmin Bank Cambodia and PRASAC Microfinance Institution merged to form a commercial bank named KB PRASAC Bank Plc., leading to today’s official grand opening.”

Mr Yang continued that KB Financial Group, a number one financial group in Korea and KB Kookmin Bank, a largest commercial bank in Korea, and a parent company of KB PRASAC Bank, will bring the banking experience, state of the art of Information Technology, digital solution, and financial support for Cambodian through the merged bank.

KB PRASAC Bank does not only provide banking services but also helps in the financial consultation and decision making to our customers, stating that, “Our customers will be always first, and KB PRASAC Bank will offer best financial products tailored to suit their diverse life cycles, aspiring to become trusted lifetime financial partner of our customers”.

Mr. Oum Sam Oeun, President & CEO of KB PRASAC Bank, expressed his enthusiasm for the journey ahead, stating, “We are so excited that we unite under the banner of KB PRASAC Bank Plc., thus making us even more empowered to fulfill the meaningful mission in enhancing financial inclusion and driving economic growth in Cambodia. We have more ability to provide the innovative, cutting-edge, and unparalleled services to meet the evolving needs of our customers through a combination of expertise, information technology, digital capabilities in answering to demands of all types of customers – Individual, Company and SME.

KB PRASAC Bank is committed and ready in the implementation of our core strategy on customer-centric focus and ensuring that every decision we make is guided by the best interests of our customers. KB PRASAC Bank aims to be the bank for all segments of society, from micro-businesses in rural areas to international enterprises. We pledge to stand by you through providing comprehensive financial services that cater to every generation,” He added.

In closing, Mr. Oum Sam Oeun expressed his sincere gratitude to the National Bank of Cambodia, Ministry of Commerce, regulators, local authorities for advising and especially to valued customers who have supported and chosen KB PRASAC Bank as their lifetime financial partner.

About KB PRASAC Bank

KB PRASAC Bank Plc., has a commercial license from the National Bank of Cambodia and received the approval from the Ministry of Commerce to conduct its banking operations officially in August 2023; and is an affiliate of KB Kookmin Bank – Korea. The perfect synergy leverages the strength of nearly 30 years of experience of PRASAC in microfinance sector and the world-class financial innovation of KB Kookmin Bank in banking sector, allowing the merged bank to deliver more comprehensive and innovative banking services and products to the customers in banking market of Cambodia. The bank has consolidated total assets of USD 5.7 billion, deposit balance of USD 3.1 billion, total loan portfolio of USD 5.0 billion, 192 branch offices, and more than 10,000 staff. The bank is dedicated to promoting financial inclusion, driving economic growth, and providing innovative banking solutions to its diverse clientele.

Chance to Win Mega Prizes for Merchants who Use KB PRASAC KHQR to Accept Payment

Win! Win! Win! Winning chance for existing and new KB PRASAC merchants who use KB PRASAC KHQR to accept payments from customers using KB PRASAC Mobile app or mobile banking app of other banks! Merchant who has a lot of number of transactions and transferred amount will be selected for the lucky draw to win a lot of amazing prizes.

KB PRASAC Bank, a leading commercial bank in Cambodia, has created this campaign to encourage business owners or merchants who use KB PRASAC KHQR to accept payment from customers from all banks.

1Honda Dream 20243Received Transactions ≥ 150 times or received amount ≥ USD 2,000 or equivalent to KHR per month
2iPhone 15 Pro Max6Received Transactions ≥ 100 times or received amount ​​ ≥ USD 1,500 or equivalent to KHR per month
3Speaker JBL PartyBox12
Received Transactions ≥ 80 times or received amount ​​ ≥ USD 1,000 or equivalent to KHR per month
4Cash 100$
Cash 50$
Cash 20$
Received Transactions ≥ 20 times or received amount ​​ ≥ USD 300 or equivalent to KHR per month

This campaign is effective from 1 February 2024 to 30 April 2024.
The Lucky Draw will be made for the result of previous month​ on every first week of the next month.

One merchant can win more than one prize with the following conditions:

  • The winner of motorbike or iPhone or speaker can win a cash reward for next month
  • The winner of a cash reward can win a motorbike or iPhone or speaker for next month.
  • The number of transactions from 30 to 60 times per month which are received from a single customer will not be included in the lucky draw criteria.

For more information, please call 086 999 911

KB PRASAC Bank Keeps Enhancing the Banking Experience with State-of-the-Art Technology

Phnom Penh – February 1, 2024: KB PRASAC Bank Plc., Cambodia’s new commercial bank that was formed with the merger of Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc. and PRASAC MFI, has deployed its core banking system by adopting the latest version of Oracle FLEXCUBE 14.7. KB PRASAC Bank becomes the first commercial bank that has the newest version of in Cambodia. This strategic move underscores the bank’s commitment to modernization, enabling it to provide a comprehensive suite of banking services and products with enhanced efficiency, accuracy, and security.

The Upgrading of Oracle FLEXCUBE helps empower KB PRASAC Bank with a full range of banking modules, paving the way for creating innovative products and services. The adoption of automation and paperless solutions, including digitalization of its systems such as Mobile app, Merchant app, Corporate Internet Banking, Loan Supporting System (LSS), Internal Control System and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) integration, enables increased productivity and heightened security measures.

An Officer of KB PRASAC Bank, expressed his satisfaction with the core banking, digital banking modernization, and other supporting systems. He remarked, “This technological leap enables us to serve diverse client segments more effectively. We are excited about the potential to expand our service offerings and elevate our capabilities as a full-fledged commercial bank.”

He continued that KB PRASAC Bank is poised to become Cambodia’s digital bank, committed to offering cutting-edge digital solutions to the people. The upgraded core banking system aligns with this vision, allows the bank to provide a better digital banking systems. In conjunction with the core banking system upgrade, KB PRASAC Bank has launched three innovative mobile apps catering to different client segments:

  1. KB PRASAC Mobile: a mobile banking app designed for general users, offering seamless and secure access to banking services.
  2. KB PRASAC Merchant: a mobile Point-of-Sale (mPOS) app for businesses and merchants, facilitating convenient and secure payment acceptance.
  3. KB PRASAC Corporate Banking : tailored for business and corporate clients, this app provides advanced financial management capabilities.

Mr. Byoung-Joon Choi, LG CNS Project Manager, said that we are proud to be a System Integrator company in helping KB PRASAC Bank to implement the IT and Digital system integration project for the merger of Kookmin Bank Cambodia Plc. and PRASAC MFI. KB PRASAC Bank has maintained its strengths while actively introducing new IT technologies to become competitive as a commercial bank. The use of the latest version of Oracle Flexcube, a new Digital Banking and Loan Support System will strengthen sales competitiveness of the bank.

He added that the KB PRASAC has strengthened mobile app, enhanced mobile onboarding, overseas remittance, and mobile lending functions, and launched a new corporate internet banking for corporate customers and a merchant app for merchants. The bank has a reliable banking system with an internal control system and an AML system.

Mr. Vinayak Hampihalikar, Vice President of Oracle Financial Services, said: “By adopting Oracle Banking Suite at its core, the bank can scale its business, offer new services to its customers, and evolve those services more quickly and economically. In Oracle, KB PRASAC Bank has a partner of trust and for the long term, that could deliver a complex transformation program which also saw a merger for two banks – one microfinance institution and other a commercial bank. The project’s success is made possible with the efforts of KB PRASAC Bank, LG CNS, and Oracle bringing together a winning team to deliver high quality  and timely transformation. The on time go-live enabled a cost-efficient transformation, allowing the bank to reach out to their customers faster and bringing innovative solutions in Cambodia.’’

About KB PRASAC Bank Plc.

KB PRASAC Bank has a commercial license from the National Bank of Cambodia and received the approval from the Ministry of Commerce to conduct its banking operations officially in August 2023; and is an affiliate of KB Kookmin Bank – Korea. The bank is dedicated to promoting financial inclusion, driving economic growth, and providing innovative banking solutions to its diverse clientele. For further information, please visit us at .

About LG CNS

Established in 1987, LG CNS is an IT service subsidiary of LG Group, providing technologies for DX (Digital Transformation) to various customers in 14 countries around the world, including Cambodia. LG CNS provides system development and operation services for public institution, manufacturing company, Telecom company, and financial institutions. LG CNS aims to expand its services to Cambodia with a focus on the Core system and digital transformation of banking, Card, insurance, and securities.

About Oracle

Oracle offers integrated suites of applications plus secure, autonomous infrastructure in the Oracle Cloud. For more information about Oracle (NYSE: ORCL), please visit us at